Dear all concerned,
This is an urgent message to all true Caribbean integrationists. The present circumstances in which the Caribbean Community of countries exist necessitate that regional integration is no longer an option left to the whims of Caribbean leaders.
2011 marks a year when Caribbean governments can no longer afford to drag their feet and debate the concept of regional integration. In the face of challenges brought about by globalisation, grave financial crises, natural disasters and trade agreements such as the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the EU, etc. as well as ongoing negotiations for free trade agreements with the United States and Canada, there is limited opportunity for manoeuvring for Caribbean countries and people.
The lack of decisive action to date on several fronts and the stalemate of the Caricom Single Market and Economy (CSME) prove that the leaders cannot do it themselves without us citizens, groups and other stakeholders calling them to action and to account.
From July 1 to 4, 2011 Heads of Government of CARICOM meet again in St. Kitts/Nevis for their regular annual meeting. Civil society organisations, non-governmental organisations, Youth, the private sector, the Diaspora and CARICOM citizens must converge around the common goal of genuine and solid regional integration.
We must call upon our leaders in no uncertain terms to bridge the gaps and to undertake all that is necessary to re-invigorate and realise regional integration to ensure and sustain our collective future.
We, as concerned citizens and organisations interested in our well-being and that of future generations of the Caribbean Community must act now!
We can no longer sit idly by and have the leaders do it themselves. They have proven time and time again that they cannot. They have taken us as far as they can. It is up to the people of the region now. Let's come together and take our region forward.
A three-pronged approach is recommended: 1. AWARENESS – sensitise our societies, communities, and networks of support and influence about regional integration and the Movement. 2. ADVOCACY – provoke action among various stakeholders and civil society. 3. CONVERGE and ACT – bring together these groups at one time and in one place across the Caribbean, and in St. Kitts/Nevis for the Summit in July to call our leaders to ACT now.
Join the Caribbean Movement for Civil Empowerment on facebook and let us spread the word to friends and others and let us act! Any suggestions, feedback on how we could move forward is welcome as this is a preliminary step and not yet a full-fledged Movement. We all need to get on board with this to make it happen. It now becomes necessary to mobilise people, resources, our networks to organise and create the movement that is essential for us to move forward together.
Time for Action
Keston Perry
On behalf of the CMCE
Keston Perry
On behalf of the CMCE
Count me in